Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I am very pleased with the outcome of these restored images. The top three photographs were originally black and white, and I simply coloured on top. I painted the images by adding a new layer for each component (ex. the clothes in one layer, the hair in another, ect.) and changed the opacity of the colours to what fit best on the specific compent.
The last image I not only coloured, but also restored. For the rips and colour stains, I cloned stamped some familiar fabric onto the flaw to make that specific area blend together.
I believe that I could've spend more time maknig sure the overlapping colour layers blend and don't look pasted on top of the black and white image and spent more time using different colours for skin tones, clothing, and backdrops.
Overall, as already mentioned, I am proud with my work and would consider perusing photo restoration as a career.

1 comment:

  1. Erin, your restoration work is awesome. You should be sure to include a couple examples (before and after) in your portfolio. People get apid to do this:)
