Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Multicultural Festival

For this task, I wanted to include a globe, international flags, and individuals holding hands. I realize it said not use a copyrighted image found from the internet but alas,  the three objects (globe, flags, and people) are found from the internet. HOWEVER, I did edit and filter each image to make it my own. I brightened the flags and cropped them smaller. I flipped the people holding hands, brightened them, and filtered them with Crosshatch. Lastly, I removed the background and water from the globe and edited the remains by removing some colour with Saturation and applying the Plastic filter. The words Multicultural Festival were added and bold filter was applied. I also added a blue circular glow behind the world to add a 'boom' factor and to make our multicultured world stand out.
I could have spent more time editing this image and maybe making it more of my own by drawing the people or sketching the globe. Overall, I am pleased with my creation and hope you are as well.

1 comment:

  1. Erin, you stole the ring of children straight off of someone else's work and just rotated it 180 degrees. This is plagiarism! You did not edit them in any meaningful manner.

    You said it yourself, you could have spent time drawing your own characters and globe. Even if you had done that it is a pretty cliche image. If you Google "children holding hands around the world" there are pages and pages of this concept. I am disappointed that you took the easy way out.

    I can't submit this to the contest as it is not an original piece of work.
